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“How was your trip?!”


A question I have already received countless times, yet each time it is asked, I just cannot find adequate words to explain what I experienced and witnessed this past month.


So I am attempting to do so now.


I have been home for a few days now. To be completely honest, these days have not been easy. Of course, the luxuries of home (such as drinking straight from the tap, constant phone connection, my favorite foods, driving a car, etc…) have been wonderful, but this transition has been much harder than I anticipated. I have been out of the country before, but this time, it was different. The Lord gripped my heart for the nations in a way that I did not expect. I experienced immense joy and freedom in Thailand while simultaneously witnessing a country consumed by darkness. LESS than 1% of people in Thailand know Jesus. I encountered people that have literally NEVER heard the name of Jesus. What.


The Lord taught me a lot this month. A LOT. Here we go.


The urgency and good news of the Gospel.


I just can’t stop thinking about this. I have been praying for patience these past few days as I’ve come back to America where the majority claim the name of Jesus, yet many stay in their comfortable realm of Christianity where Jesus is just a small compartment of their lives. While I am, and always will be, deeply broken and sinful, I cannot stand to be halfway in with Jesus when there are people around the world that have never heard His name.


**I also learned a lot about counterfeit gospels and how many people are believing them, even in America (watch American Gospel – trust me, it’s good)!!



I lived with 13 other people this month and probably had about 8 minutes of alone time total (HAH not kidding)! At times, it was challenging, frustrating, and difficult, but WOW it was beautiful. A true glimpse of Heaven. I miss Thailand a whole lot but I miss these people much more. Forever will be some of my best friends.


**see the previous blog post for more deets on these people!

simple boldness and obedience


saying “yes” to Jesus is never a bad idea.


sometimes you walk into a bookstore just looking for books and then Jesus says “nope” and you end up sharing the Gospel and praying with the girl working there who then becomes a sweet friend we were able to build a relationship with!


thanks Jesus!


the POWER of prayer and worship


a lot of our time at our ministry was sitting in a little prayer room, praying for the kids who have gone missing and for the kids that go to Place of Grace. we would worship and pray and talk and it was so sweet. some of my favorite memories happened in this little prayer room.

walk in FREEDOM


yes I got this tatted on my body. while there is not an elaborate story behind this, it is something that I need to be reminded of daily.


My inspiration comes from a passage in John 8.


“So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” They answered him, We are offspring of Abraham and have never been enslaved to anyone. How is it that you say, ‘You will become free’?” Jesus answered them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who practices sin is a slave to sin. The slave does not remain in the house forever; the son remains forever. So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” (John 8:31-36).


no longer a slave to sin. no longer a slave to fear. or shame. I am free to have abundant life and joy and FREEDOM through the Father. I am choosing to walk in that.

your story matters. TELL IT.


when my leaders asked us who wanted to give their testimony at church the next Sunday, I was hesitant, but felt the Lord nudging me, so I volunteered. I’ve never been one to frequently tell my story, primarily because it requires vulnerability (something I am growing in, yet still struggle with). yet, despite overcoming many fears of vulnerability, I have believed the lie that my testimony is insignificant compared to other people. but I decided to share anyways. and after church, a lady came up to me, in tears, because she could relate to my story and she was touched. ok God.


coffee is a necessity 🙂


HAH just had to throw this in there because I (previously a RARE coffee drinker) became slightly addicted to coffee last month. Every day when I woke up, my immediate thought was “iced Americano with honey.” sometimes I had 2. or 3. Whoops.


While this does not encapsulate everything that was packed into 31 days, it is a beginning. So if anyone asks me “How was your trip?,” I may just refer them to this blog post (haha just kidding, but maybe?). but feel free to give me a call, or let’s get coffee (!!) and I’ll give ya allll the deets 🙂


Thanks for following along on this crazy adventure I took with Jesus. It was one of the best months of my life. Not because of any extremely adventurous or crazy things that we did, but because the Lord showed up and we had a front row seat. Nothing better than that!